How two people changed their lives (and you can too)

At Hannah Rae Training we're all motivated by the same! We love helping you feel your best, and today we're celebrating two amazing transformations we've seen clients make through Holistic Personal Training.

Joshua's Story:

 Josh is a lawyer working long hours and managing the daily stresses of running a high-level firm. He not only didn't have time to work out, but he had previously injured himself in some higher-intensity group classes and personal training he had done before. 

As a result, he was feeling burnt out, his body had a lot of aches and pains, and he didn't have the energy he wanted to keep up with his active family. In Josh's own words:

When I first started working online with Ian I was not in good shape. I had suffered from a long period of injury and illness, gained weight, and was struggling with some life issues that wore on me physically and mentally. It’s just incredible how I feel now a few months later. I am physically strong, have more energy, and I can keep up with my athletic wife and two young boys. I’ve gained better posture, flexibility, strength, and even confidence. It’s made me a better husband, father, and business owner and I plan to keep it up for life.
— Joshua

Josh has been working with us for three years now and continues to make amazing progress. The game changer for him was the accountability of a trainer combined with effective workouts he knew wouldn't hurt him the next day.

Melinda's Story

Melinda works in real estate and has to work hard to keep up with the busy schedule and fast pace of her job. She had always been athletic, but as she entered her 60's her body wasn't feeling like it used to--she had back, hip, and shoulder pain that weren't getting better, and she wanted to try something new to see if she could start feeling like herself again:

We've been able to target and identify my areas of pain and weakness and I've seen huge improvements--I feel much stronger and my back, hip, and shoulder pain are almost completely gone! Working out online has also been amazing--I don't have time to commute with my busy schedule and this has made fitting in regular workouts possible. I couldn't recommend it more."

Now that her chronic pain is under control Melinda's been able to push her athletic ability. She's taken up golf and yoga and is now feeling stronger than ever. Her breakthrough came from learning to work out safely and effectively in her 60s in a way that built her up rather than breaking her down.

“Doing Holistic Personal Training for the past two years has been absolutely priceless. I was a total newbie when I started, but my trainer helped me feel comfortable right away.
— Melinda

Stories like these are what motivate us to continue to expand our offerings and find the best ways to support your wellness journey. When trying something new we know that getting started is often the hardest part, which is why we're offering 15% off Holistic Personal Training to kick off 2024.

Make your resolutions a reality and save on your intro package today with code TRANSFORM


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