Meet the team.

Hannah Rae

What are your specialties?

Athletic Conditioning, Postpartum Recovery, Chronic Pain Management, Graceful Aging, Core Activation, Nervous System Regulation.

Comprehensively certified in Pilates by master instructor Lori Coleman-Brown.

I really love working with clients who are ready to rebuild their relationship with their body from the ground up.

What’s your workout style?

I’ve learned over the years that targeted, gentle work is 1000% more effective than the “no pain no gain” approach, so my focus is on you feeling good and picking the right exercises for your body each day. A truly customized workout makes all the difference!

What’s inspiring you right now?

My clients, always. Their stories and progress are so moving and it’s always an honor to be a part of someone’s journey. I’m also still so in love with dance, and deeply grateful that it’s still a part of my life after almost three decades!

Ian Pecoraro

What are your specialties?

Athletic Conditioning, Graceful Aging, Hand & Wrist Health, Postural Realignment, Mental Conditioning, Breathwork.

Comprehensively certified in Pilates by master instructor Lori Coleman-Brown.

I get super excited to work with climbers, chefs (I’ve been in the hospitality industry for over 15 years) and anyone ready to take their athleticism to the next level.

What’s your workout style?

Fun & energetic with a good dose of momentum! I’m passionate about finding the perfect challenge level for each client that leaves them feeling strong and empowered.

What’s inspiring you right now?

Bouldering for sure! I love that there’s always room for improvement. I’m also a chef and after years of back pain I love finally having the energy to keep up with the fast pace of kitchen life. My own life changing journey keeps me grounded in how truly transformative this work can be.

Lynann Escatel

What are your specialties?

Athletic Conditioning, Chronic Pain Management, Graceful Aging, Myofascial Release, Spinal Health, Balance Training, Foot and Ankle Health.

Comprehensively certified in Pilates, Feet-Ness, and ELDOA.

I’m passionate about working with clients from all walks of life. It’s truly never too early or too late to start taking better care of your body—the perfect time is now!

What’s your workout style?

Fun, joyful, and a little geeky—I’m detail oriented and love nerding out on the how and why behind the exercise. At the same time, the power of this work still feels like pure magic sometimes, and I love witnessing my clients as they realize what is possible for them with customized coaching.

What’s inspiring you right now?

Stand Up Paddle boarding, or SUP! I compete around the country and the athletic challenge, incredible community, and chance to be out on the water with the wind in my hair makes me feel alive.

Noelle Wood

What are your specialties?

Athletic Conditioning, Chronic Pain Management, Movement Education, Mindful Exercise

Comprehensively certified in Pilates, Hatha Yoga, Aerial Yoga

I am deeply passionate about helping people function better in their active daily lives, as well as discover the joy, healing and power of mindful exercise.

What’s your workout style?

My workout style is influenced by a client’s individual needs, so open communication - and lots of creativity - are vital pieces in my teaching approach. I also believe that the client’s progress is just as much their effort as mine, and I’ve found that empowering them with foundational knowledge of Pilates helps them gain a deeper understanding of their own needs, and what it will take to maximize their mobility and lead a joyful, active life.

What’s inspiring you right now?

Opportunities to expand my knowledge in movement education is a huge motivator for me. I consider myself a lifelong student – all in service of providing individualized care that leads to sustainable and lasting results for clients.

Pia Luzzi

What are your specialties?

Postpartum Recovery, Chronic Pain Management, Graceful Aging, Nervous System Regulation, Matrescence Education, Health and Life Coaching

I first experienced Pilates while I was still working as a performing artist and I've never gone without it since. In addition to supporting clients through strength training, I empower them to choose lifestyle changes and health-promoting behaviors that work for them individually.

What’s your workout style?

I challenge clients based on their current capacity, and cheer them on as they progress and strengthen their whole body over time. Helping clients overcome chronic pain or beliefs about how a body should or shouldn’t move (especially during pregnancy and postpartum) is a significant part of my work. I see humans as antifragile, and enjoy encouraging clients on their journey to more resilience and moving fearlessly.

What’s inspiring you right now?

The clients I work with are a constant source of inspiration. It takes so much strength, grace, and self-love to go through a process of reclaiming your body. There’s nothing like witnessing such a holistic transformation - awakening from emotional numbing, regaining energy after feeling stuck and overwhelmed, discovering their physical and mental strength, and creating the life they love!

Customized Workout Plans for Your Wellness Goals

Feel Great in Your Body & Stay Healthy as You Age